“Christine Sneeringer is one of the most compelling and thought provoking speakers I know. Her humor, compassion, transparency and sound Biblical knowledge uniquely gifts her to speak on the sensitive topics of our day in a way that is relevant, clear and challenging. Christine will challenge you to keep your eyes on Jesus as you walk through the sexually charged mine fields of modern culture. Not only that, but she’s really funny!”

Holland Davis
Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel San Clemente

In just four days Christine addressed 12 different groups. Each time she spoke with clarity, passion, and truth to a wide range of ages in radically different settings. Her words were always relevant and God-honoring. She spoke eloquently of the goodness and greatness of Jesus Christ, the Redemeer. We are so grateful that over 1,000 high school and college students were able to hear her inspiring story. I would recommend her to anybody, anywhere, anytime. She left an eternal deposit in Mississippi.

Bill Buckley
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mississippi

Christine is not only my friend but a very effective colleague with an expertise in a hot topic area for all of us in ministry. Her presentations are engaging, Biblical and very well received. If our graduates have not been confronted with issues of sexuality they will be. Christine will be helpful resource for them. I highly recommend her service to you.

Bruce Fong,
President, Michigan Theological Seminary

Christine brings a rare mixture of warmth and candor in the way she addresses topics. Her talks are woven from a rich blend of personal experience, well thought out biblical and theological convictions, and of course humor. Engaging and informative, encouraging and challenging—that’s Christine!”
James Glass
Lead Pastor, Glasgow Elim Church in Glasgow, Scotland

Engaging and humorous, Christine succeeds in delivering a Biblical message not only reinforcing the keystone doctrines of redemption and sanctification by grace, but reminding listeners of the foundations relevant to gender, sexuality, marriage and family. She also succeeds in persuading us to re-examine Bible truths through the foibles of modern living and contemporary challenges of being human. It's quite possible to find yourself laughing and crying, conscious of profound truths juxtaposed by the inconsistencies and excuses of living as those looking for completion in the next life. I am moved by her sincerity, dedication and devotion to truth and Christian living.

Michael Davidson, PhD
CEO, Core Issues Trust
Co-Director of X-Out-Loud Europe
Chairman, IFTCC